Baby Explore!
Families are welcome to join us for Little Crickets' Baby Explore! sessions which run every Thursday morning during term time from 11.10am to 12pm. These free of charge, hands-on sensory sessions enhance babies' learning through stimulating their senses and supporting their language, cognitive and development of growth.
From January 2025, the group will be exclusively for non-walking babies. This change is due to the increasing demand for our Nursery places. To accommodate this change, we will also be moving Baby Explore to our school hall only. While we understand this may alter some of your plans, we hope that many of you will continue to enjoy our group in its new format as a warm and welcoming environment for you and your little ones to explore and play.
Run by qualified Early Years teachers, our sessions give you and your baby the opportunity to explore a range of sensory activities, socialise, take part in singing and music sessions and spend time together in our beautiful learning environment.
As this is a free of charge event, places are limited. Please click here to book your session(s). Please park on Frome Road and walk around to Castle Corner to the School.
We look forward to welcoming you to Baby Explore!